As suggested by Havard we could improve the 'ods-ksmutil zone add' command by detecting the input type specified and in the case of a 'DNS' adapter using a default path of
for the adapter file.
This will greatly reduce the command line that the user is required to type because at the moment if the user wants to use a DNS adapter they must fully specify type and input (as otherwise the input defaults to a zone file path):
ods-ksmutil zone add \
--zone <zonename> \
--in-type DNS \
--input /usr/pkg/etc/opendnssec/addns.xml \
--out-type DNS \
--output /usr/pkg/etc/opendnssec/addns.xml
can become:
ods-ksmutil zone add --zone <zonename> --in-type DNS --out-type DNS
- is cloned by
OPENDNSSEC-475 CLONE - Improve 'zone add' - Support default <input> and <output> values for DNS adapters
- Closed