Daniel Salzman daniel.salzman@nic.cz via lists.opendnssec.org May 11 to opendnssec-user
I am trying to set up automatic KSK rollover with OpenDNSSEC. If I use DelegationSignerSubmitCommand option
for starting my external program, I am missing any information about key identifier relating to DNSKEY record,
that should be subsequently used for key ds-seen. Although there is possibility to compute key_id manually,
this is not ideal approach due to ambiguity. It would be useful to add CKA_ID in comment to DelegationSignerSubmitCommand
parameter (if required in configuration).
- is cloned by
OPENDNSSEC-497 CLONE - CKA_ID in DelegationSignerSubmitCommand
- Resolved
- relates to
OPENDNSSEC-295 Automate DS-uploads
- Open
OPENDNSSEC-96 Make it easier to issue ds-seen for the operator
- Resolved