Status: Accepted
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 26 : 6 Dec
rickard@fou:~/opendnssec$ ods-ksmutil setup
WARNING This will erase all data in the database; are you sure? [y/N] y
MySQL database schema set to: opendnssec
MySQL database user set to: opendnssec
MySQL database password set
zonelist filename set to /home/rickard/opendnssec/zonelist.xml.
kasp filename set to /home/rickard/opendnssec/kasp.xml.
Repository softHSM1 found
No Maximum Capacity set.
RequireBackup NOT set; please make sure that you know the potential problems of using keys which are not recoverable
Policy Policy1 found
ERROR: no result obtained from query where one was expected
Segmentation fault
The KASP says that the zone should use softHSM1 and softHSM2. But I only had softHSM1 in the conf.xml.